What is Server-side Tagging?

Server-side tagging is to store your tags and media pixels in a server instead on the browser which is the client-side. The client-side tags provide more access to data to the third-party providers rather than the owner of data who is firing tags to track information.

GTM’s server-side tagging that was launched stores the tags in a server to provide a first-party context. This is possible with the use of HTML code instead of JavaScript. JavaScript codes load, they collect data and then send it somewhere else, typically to the third-party servers.

Browsers adhering to data privacy norms now understand the difference and discourage JavaScript tags from collecting data as preferred by a marketer. This has made server-side tagging not only a preferred method of collecting data, but an imperative.

Read more about how marketers, data analysts, and legal teams can use server-side tagging for data privacy and security compliance.

How can you implement and publish server-side tags?

Using a tag management system that supports server-side tags, you can publish them in a few quick steps. Marketers are keen to use this especially to publish media pixels for advertisements and collect first-party data. They support secure HTTP response tags.

Transform marketing with a server-side enabled tag management system

A server-side tag manager is the minimum viable product for e-commerce websites and mobile apps that need to implement media pixels.

Marketers are fast adopting server-side tagging as they experience the following benefits.

  • Improve First-party data collection
  • Website performance and page load time
  • Compliance with various Privacy regulations – CCPA, GDPR
  • Eliminates Tag piggybacking
  • Data Security

Read more about the advantages of server-side tagging.

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